Myanmar sustainable development plan pdf

Myanmar sustainable development plan drafted, govt. Myanmar sustainable development plan 20182030 laws od. A new plan for sustainable development the myanmar times. Myanmar has been a party to the nagoya protocol since its entry into force in october 2014. The msdp is also founded upon the objective of giving coherence. Balanced economic growth, social development and better statistics although myanmar has a history of national and sector development plans, it has introduced new medium and longterm planning tools with its liberalising reforms. It brought together representatives of the myanmar government, parliament, state and regional governments, donors and others to discuss how undp can better contribute to implementation of the myanmar sustainable development plan, which is based on. United nations development programme myanmar project document. The expression of our national development vision a vision which finds resonance in the global sustainable development agenda. Myanmar sustainable developmentplan 2018 2030 burmese. Human development report 2019 inequalities in human development in the 21st century briefing note for countries on the 2019 human development report myanmar introduction the main premise of the human development approach is that expanding peoples freedoms is both the main aim of, and the principal means for sustainable development.

Aug 31, 2018 the myanmar sustainable development plan msdp provides a longterm vision. It assists its members and partners by providing loans, technical assistance, grants, and equity investments to promote social and economic development. U set aung, deputy minister of planning and finance spoke about the myanmar sustainable development plan, the project bank, and how both are relevant to myanmar s private sector and business community. Currently, myanmar has myriad sectoral, ministerial and subnational plans. Within its framework, the united nations development programme will work during the next five years with government, development partners, civil society groups, the private sector and all communities to help myanmar achieve sustainable development. The government of myanmar is managing a challenging transition towards democracy, a peaceful and pluralistic society as well as an open and inclusive economy. The myanmar sustainable development plan the msdp localises and contextualises myanmar s commitments to the global sustainable development agenda e. Founded upon the objective of giving coherence to the policies and institutions necessary to achieve genuine, inclusive and transformational economic growth, this msdp has been developed reinvigorate reform and promote bold action. Myanmar intensifies economic policy reform agenda to. The plan encompasses five goals, including economic stability and privatesector growth. These goals have been broken down into 169 targets and 232 indicators. In the napa preparation process, urgent adaptation needs of the rural. Additionally myanmar needs to take climate change adaptation measures immediately for sustainable development which also addresses the poverty alleviation of poor communities of the country.

Conference on sustainable building south east asia, 57 november 2007, malaysia the sustainable development of yangon changing from central planning to market economy, the strategic plan approach mahbob salim institute sultan iskandar of urban habitat and highrise level 4, dewan sultan iskandar, universiti teknologi malaysia 80 skudai, johor. Beginning in early september 2015 and through the summit, over 40 initiatives aiming to support the newly adopted sustainable development goals were registered. Myanmar sustainable development planmsdp global new light. Myanmar sustainable development plan 2018 2030 myanmar. As you may know, the union government has announced the myanmar sustainable development plan and the creation of project bank which is a databank of priority and strategic projects in various sectors across all of myanmar. The sustainable development goals sdgs are also known as the global goals and build on the eight millennium development goals mdgs that the world committed to achieving between 2000 and 2015. Myanmar summary of the mediumterm development plan.

Myanmars experiences with the millennium development. The myanmar sustainable development plan msdp is the expression of our national development vision a vision that. Policy challenges in implementing national development plans. Myanmars national adaptation programme of action napa. Myanmar national aquaculture development plan 20192023 see pdf file link, myanmar and english versions outlines the current state of aquaculture, policy framework related to aquaculture, plans of action for sustainability, budget management and implementation, monitoring and evaluation. It is not a coincidence that the 3rd apws outcome, yangon declaration came out last year to pave the way for new water action decade and myanmar was a cohost and. National comprehensive development plan 201112 to 203031 english version the republic of the union of myanmar ministry of health and sports.

Myanmar sustainable development plan, national water. Myanmar welcomes that the document underscores the importance of promoting and strengthening sustainable oceanbased economies particularly for the sids and ldcs by mobilizing means of development in line with the 2030 sdg agenda. Genuine development will only come to myanmar if, and only if, all. At undp, we see this period as a huge opportunity to advance the countrys sustainable development agenda and the sustainable development goals. Myanmar drafts new fiveyear plan to boost economy investvine. Sustainable development goals open development myanmar. This document, national biodiversity strategy and action plan nbsap, is the framework that takes us in the direction of achieving the sustainable development without being detrimental to biodiversity. For example it explains, concerning governance, the msdp aims to improve the efficiency, accountability and predictability of administrative. Acceleration of the reform agenda as envisioned in the myanmar sustainable development plan, along with targeted public investments and private sector participation, will lead to a consolidation of macroeconomic stability and help myanmar maintain its positive momentum and meet its longterm growth targets. By theint thaw acronym msdp stands out as myanmar sustainable development plan covering motley assortments of 250 plans with state priorities such as that of national reconciliation, that of better justice system, and that of reform on the state owned economic enterprises. The myanmar sustainable development plan the myanmar government is committed to integrating sdg into the national development plan, which is best reflected in myanmar sustainable development plan 2018 2030 each goal is assigned to a governmental agency and matched with a relevant sdg. Myanmar sustainable development plan 20182030 open. The myanmar sustainable development plan and the project. Supporting this ambitious, longterm health development plan, the government of myanmar has recently launched myanmars new five year national health plan nhp 20172021, providing a strategic vision for health in myanmar.

The sustainable development goals sdgs, also known as the global goals, were adopted by all united nations member states in 2015 as a universal call to. Jul 16, 2018 after the myanmar sustainable development plan msdp has been publicized and called for feedback from all corners of society and the development partners in april 2018. The myanmar living conditions survey mlcs is a comprehensive assessment of the wellbeing of people in myanmar. The asian development bank adb is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable asia and the pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. In other words, it is a superior plan with a vision of sustainability. The ministry of planning and finance mopf is in the process of gathering comments from other government ministries for the purpose of drafting the myanmar sustainable development plan msdp and incorporate relevant feedback into the plan. These goals designed to replace the eight millennium development goals.

Irrigation, safi will further support agricultural development goals specific to myanmar agricultural development strategy, ads and the myanmar sustainable development plan, msdp and development goals of global interest spanning over all relevant areas of impact sustainable development goals, sdg. National comprehensive development plan 201112 to 2030. Themed building an inclusive, integrated and modernised myanmar, the hosting of the 4th myanmar infrastructure summit 2018 mis2018 with the strong supports from myanmar. Addis ababa action plan on financing for development. The countrys national biodiversity strategy and action plan 20152020 includes a target and actions to implement access to genetic resources and benefitsharing abs. The governments master plan for the development of the country provides a framework for coordination and cooperation across all ministries, states and regions. The msdp is to be aligned with the 12point economic policy of the union of myanmar, with the objective of building up the economic community of the association of southeast asian nations asean, and meeting the united nations sustainable development goals. Acronym msdp stands out as myanmar sustainable development plan covering motley assortments of 250 plans with state priorities such as that of national reconciliation, that of better justice system, and that of reform on the state owned economic enterprises. Unlocking the potential is an output of a comprehensive study carried out by adbs economics and research department erd under reta 8343, subproject 2 of cluster research and development technical assistance 0011, which was approved on. Led growth myanmar agriculture development strategy 201819 202223 national export strategy 2015. Myanmars sustainable development plan myanmar development. The remaining challenges to food and nutrition security and achievement of sustainable development. The fundamental objectives of myanmars sustainable development are to establish harmonious integration of a sound and viable economy.

Myanmars national adaptation programme of action napa to. United nations development programme myanmar project. The remaining challenges to food and nutrition security and achievement of sustainable development goal 2 targets include continued population displacements resulting from conflict, vulnerability to extreme weather events, poverty, limited social protection coverage, high malnutrition and persistent gender inequalities. After the myanmar sustainable development plan msdp has been publicized and called for feedback from all corners of society and the development partners in april 2018. Food security, the first united nations development assistance framework in myanmar, humanitarian response plans, the food security sector and the cash and social protection working groups. Myanmar sustainable development planmsdp global new. British chamber of commerce, directorate of investment and company administrations dica, foreign business leaders, foreign direct investment fdi, investments, myanmar, myanmar sustainable development plan msdp, positives of business, yangon. Myanmar sustainable development plan 2018 2030 mimu. The msdp aims at fiscal federalism and the decentralisation of natural resources management. Agricultural development strategy and investment plan draft. Dec 04, 20 yangon city development plans 202020 pdf september 4, 20 digging through a stack of local newspapers i bought on my last trip to yangon i ran across this city plan for the development of yangon, inclusive or ring roads, green belts and flyover highways connecting west yangon to the thilawa special economic zone. Myanmar works for sustainable tourism development the. In order to fulfill the achievement of united nations sustainable development goals and myanmar sustainable development plan, department of rural development of the ministry of agriculture, livestock and irrigation stands for priority of rural development activities due to the requirement of the nation. Sustainable agricultural development and food quality.

Supporting this ambitious, longterm health development plan, the government of myanmar has recently launched myanmar s new five year national health plan nhp 20172021, providing a strategic vision for health in myanmar. To attain dynamic and harmonious growth of myanmar and create a fair and prosperous society by promoting responsible and quality investment. In august, the ministry of planning and finance published the myanmar sustainable development plan 20182030. Nov 28, 2019 these sectors, part of the myanmar sustainable development plan, include electricity, road, bridge, telecommunication, basic construction, agriculture, transportation, research and technology. Myanmar health vision 2030 was drawn up in 2000 to meet future health challenges. The fundamental objectives of myanmar s sustainable development are to establish harmonious integration of a sound and viable economy. The myanmar sustainable development plan and the project bank. Myanmar sustainable development plan 2018 2030 august. Through the myanmar sustainable development plan msdp 20182030, the country is committed to achieving the sustainable development goals sdgs. According to the ministry of planning and finance, the chosen projects must align with national priorities as outlined in the myanmar sustainable development plan msdp, which was created to promote sustainability and balanced development arrangements. As stated in the myanmar sustainable development plan, economic stability and strengthened macroeconomic management are an indispensable prerequisite for peace, security and other goals of sustainable development, said h. Myanmar home sustainable development knowledge platform. National comprehensive development plan consult myanmar.

The sustainable development goals sdgs, also known as the global goals, were adopted by all united nations member states in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The 2030 agenda for sustainable development sustainabledevelopment. The myanmar sustainable development plan msdp provides a longterm vision. The package provides the development partners with a tool to support myanmars governance reform agenda in a comprehensive and integrated fashion. Myanmars vision to sustainable strategy in particular is to conserve natural resources and reduce the susceptibility of poor people to the world crises. U set aung, deputy minister of planning and finance spoke about the myanmar sustainable development plan, the project bank, and how both are relevant. Kan zaw, myanmar s minister of national planning and economic development, said last week that the governments medium and longterm reforms would ensure the creation of an investmentfriendly climate and keep up with asean and international norms and standards. The government of myanmar is in a position to improve myanmar s economic outlook. In august 2018, the government of myanmar finalized the myanmar sustainable development plan and began releasing the document to the public. The myanmar sustainable development plan msdp is the.

Mdi will also support the government of myanmar in conducting feasibility studies, evaluation of the national. Myanmar has been widely regarded as one of the biodiversity richest countries in the asia and pacific region. Myanmar s second vice president u henry van thio recently called for exploring sustainable tourism development plan, stressing the need to create new tourism routes and attractions and to combine innovation with its abundant natural resources to create more choice for tourists. The myanmar sustainable development plan msdp is the expression of our national development vision a vision that finds resonance in the global sustainable development agenda. The enormous progress made globally on the mdgs showed the value of a unifying agenda with clear goals and targets but more is to be done to end the indignity of poverty for all. Genuine development will only come to myanmar if, and only if, all these plans move harmoniously and cohere. Myanmar participated in the unepgef abs capacity development. Over the last five years 20112015 myanmar has been engaged in a process of political and economic liberalization that will transform the countrys economy and society and see the nation emerge as an important economic entity in asean and the wider regional and global economy.

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